December 16, 2013 35529

10 New Features of Eduson 2.0

In order to make studying with Eduson useful and interesting, we add one big new feature every week. We have already added questions for instructors, jobs and salaries, adding diplomas to LinkedIn, interactive video (like in a game), lesson plans in GoogleCalendar or iCal, and a company version of the site that has been evaluated by a few thousand employees.



1. More applied courses: developing specific skills

Knowledge should be as useful as possible. We have asked you and employers what courses you need the most right now, and found out that they are courses in sales skills, negotiation skills, information search skills, financial accounting analysis skills. Everything that could help you in your career today. The new catalog has dozens of such videos!

2. You are now able to ask your instructor questions!

We have added the capability of asking your instructor questions and sending them assignments to be checked. Of course learning is much more effective if you can clarify material that you don't understand. Even final exams are more interesting if you submit a presentation or a financial model, instead of simply choosing multiple-choice answers on a test.



3. We show you positions and salaries in the course

We suggest which positions and in which companies a course can be useful for, and of course, what the renumeration is likely to be for these positions. To ensure that the information is useful and true, we have analyzed the salary rating information from career sites such as Glassdoor, Monster, etc, on 380 companies, leaders in their market segment.

4. We have added a career search in our course catalog

You can now search for courses appropriate for your career goals. For example, if you would like to work in consulting, we would recommend "Art of Presentation: an Unforgettable Motivating Story" and "Changing the Game: Decision Making Techniques".

5. Add your diploma to LinkedIn in just 1 click

Eduson diplomas can be added to your LinkedIn profile in just 1 click from your personal account. Employers really value applicants who invest in their education, improve their professional level and are interested in new skills.



6. Training schedules can be easily downloaded into GoogleCalendar, Outlook, or iCal

Eduson automatically creates your training schedule – 1 lecture from each started course on Wednesdays and Saturdays. You can download this schedule into the calendar that you use – GoogleCalendar, Outlook Calendar or iCal, and change your training schedule. Systematic effort and small regular steps to reaching your goal are more effective than an attempt to learn Chinese the night before an exam.

7. We have added language icons to the course picture

This was your most frequent request! Now you can tell what language the course is in just by looking at the picture. But to be honest, sometimes we like turning on Chinese voice-over with English subtitles.



8. We have created an Eduson version for companies

Now a company can sign up for the entire library of courses. Staff can study from laptops, tablets, smartphones. No need to download content into an LMS or  fight with your IT department. It's free for 14 days. Try now.

9. Analysis for HR-managers based on employees, various courses for groups

In order to calculate ROI of a training program, one has to be able to measure employee activity. How many diplomas were received, how many questions were posed to the instructor, how many tests and exams were taken. We calculate these factors and build eye-catching graphs that an HR manager can download for his report.



10. We have created interactive videos in our courses

Linear video is so yesterday! Video games often have scenarios that branch out, why don't they exist in education? They would make things so much more interesting. If you want, you can listen an instructor's case study about Coca-Cola or an analysis of a complex accounting report. If you want, you can “talk” to a recruiter or practice going on interviews. It's a great thing any way you slice it.

We will continue to release 1 big and useful feature per week and to tell you about them. Thanks for being with us!

Announcing a new e-learning platform for individual clients: Eduson Academy
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