
How to Close a Deal in B2B Sales

18 minutes
Started: 2862
Rating: 94%

You will learn how to…

  • Close the deal with the client
  • Watch for buying signals to determine when a customer is ready to buy
  • Actively guide the dialogue with the client

Richard Adams

Eduson Tutor

Lecturer's bio

Richard Adams is an Eduson tutor. He has over 10 years of experience in sales and management.

What is this course about?

Most sales fail at the stage of closing. But thanks to the knowledge, acquired from this mini-course, you will increase chances of succeeding. Richard Adams will tell you about different objections during the contract signing and ways of resolving them. The lecturer explains how to get ready for the deal closing, how to choose the right moment. He also shares techniques on how to “lead” the client to contract signing. The author offers practical exercises in the mini-course as well.

Who is this course for?

  • Sales development reps
  • Client managers
  • Sales managers
  • Entrepreneurs
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