Soft Skills

SDR: How to Overcome Failure

Sales Simulation
15 minutes
Started: 18

You will learn how to…

  • Effectively manage situations
  • Identify problems
  • Identify stressors
  • Overcome failures


What is this simulator about

Have you experienced the emotional uncertainty at work? Everything inside you is broken as several months of hard work have gone to waste.

However, each challenge is an opportunity to grow wiser and stronger. In this simulator, you will face up to real difficulties and learn to take emotional challenges. You will learn how to identify your emotions and feelings, analyze problems and practice positive reframing. Finally, you will get to know how to change a situation for the better and come closer to your success.

Who is this
simulator for?

  • All sales professionals
  • Beginner sales reps
  • Sales development reps
  • Sales managers
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