Soft Skills

SDR: How to Prioritize Your Tasks and Plan the Work Day

Sales Simulation
20 minutes
Started: 31

You will learn how to…

  • Identify your time management style
  • Make your work day as productive as possible
  • Manage your time and set priorities
  • Use the Boomerang add-on to schedule emails and set reminders


What is this simulator about

How often does this happen to you? You arrive at work Monday morning eager to write that document your client is waiting for but, by 10:15am, you’ve already wasted 30 minutes for typing, processing, copying, mailing and stamping. Suddenly you have realized that half an hour you wanted to spend are gone.

This simulator will teach you to identify and sort out your priorities. You will learn to create your own work schedule, plan your working week and daily activities.

Learn how to choose the correct time to call the decision maker, write follow-up emails, and how to work with your inbox emails.

Who is this
simulator for?

  • Beginner sales reps
  • Everyone who uses email communication
  • Sales development reps
  • Sales managers
Announcing a new e-learning platform for individual clients: Eduson Academy
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