
How to Treat Customers with Friendliness and Respect

Sales Simulation
20 minutes
Started: 7

You will learn how to…

  • Correctly conduct the dialog with a client
  • Establish a feeling of friendliness with customers
  • Handle customer objections in retail stores
  • Treat customers with respect


What is this simulator about

Retail Sales Assistant should treat customers with friendliness and respect, assist clients in fulfilling their needs, and overcome their objections. Establishing a positive tone with customers is very important since this will facilitate any conversations you have with them. This course is dedicated to teaching you how to communicate with clients in a friendly and respectful way in a variety of different situations. Specifically, you will learn how to give clients calls to action without being forceful, overcoming potential objections in an insistent, but polite way, gathering the correct types of feedback without being pushy, being able to continue negotiations with them, and dealing with client objections calmly.

The simulator is divided into 3 blocks representing 5 situations when shop assistants try to help their clients identify their needs and choose the product that they really want.

Who is this
simulator for?

  • All sales professionals
  • Sales managers
Announcing a new e-learning platform for individual clients: Eduson Academy
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