Soft Skills

SDR: How to Eliminate The Most Common Grammar Mistakes

20 минут
Начали: 27

Вы научитесь…

  • Avoid grammar mistakes
  • Make writing more professional
  • Improve command of the language


Eduson Tutor

О лекторе

The course consists of lectures by leading Silicon Valley executives, who will share their practical experience. You will be given guidelines for starting a company and how to scale it.

Attorney Martin Nichols, a partner in the Corporate and Finance group, will cover the legal issues you will encounter during the process.

Top investors, including VC Funding guru John Doerr from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, will explain how VCs can use their connections, experience and recruiting capabilities to help you manage your company.

О чем этот тренажер?

The simulator covers the six most common grammar mistakes and explains how to avoid them. You will learn to use "fewer" and "less", pronouns, "who" and "whom" in a proper way. Designed for those who want to improve the language accuracy in the two main types of communication: written and verbal. Retaking the simulation will provide new random tasks to sharpen your skills.

The simulator is aimed at those sales development reps who want to improve their command of the language.

Для кого этот тренажер?

  • Sales development reps