
SDR: How to Get Past the Gatekeeper

15 минут
Начали: 17

Вы научитесь…

  • Conduct negotiations by phone effectively
  • Overcome gatekeeper objections
  • Choose appropriate words and expressions
  • Introduce yourself and talk about your current position


О чем этот тренажер?

As a Sales Development Representative, you face many different types of tasks every day. One of them is reaching the Decision Maker by passing the gatekeeper. In order to successfully overcome this task, you need to have certain experience, knowledge, and skills. It's also possible you may have to use a couple of tricks.

In this simulator you will learn how to correctly answer the secretary's questions and how to handle his objections, which phrases to use and in which manner to speak.

Для кого этот тренажер?

  • Account executives
  • Beginner sales reps
  • Everyone involved in negotiations
  • Sales development reps
  • Sales managers