Sales Development Rep Career, Sales

How to Describe a Product in Terms of Benefits for the Customer

30 минут
Начали: 16

Вы научитесь…

  • Describe a product
  • Find the benefits of a product
  • Present the features of a product
  • Reveal advantages of a product


О чем этот тренажер?

If you are planning to make a lot of qualifying appointments you have to effectively sell the product. With this simulator, you will learn how to describe the product to the customer and create the desire to buy it. Using the model "Features-Advantages-Benefits" you will practice how to present the features of the product, reveal advantages and find the benefits of a product for the concrete customer.

This simulator is aimed for sales development reps and whose who want to study how to demonstrate the products and sell it effectively.

Для кого этот тренажер?

  • Account executives
  • All sales professionals
  • Beginner sales reps
  • Call center agents
  • Entry level sales reps
  • Sales development reps