Soft Skills

AE: How to Write Follow Up Emails That Get Replies

20 минут
Начали: 38

Вы научитесь…

  • Avoid typical mistakes
  • Be attentive to detail
  • Explain your ideas in simple and entertaining way
  • Make your email communication professional and efficient


О чем этот тренажер?

While every sales process involves understanding customer demands, developing a solution and closing a deal, actually closing it involves another aspect that Eduson thinks a lot about: following up. Follow-ups demonstrate your determination to build relationships with your customers, and most significant sales are the end result of a relationship.

Problem is, it’s much too easy to send a generic, “just checking-in” follow up email. That said, the process of contacting a prospect can be overwhelming. When do we follow up? How do we maintain contact without being a pest? What do we say? Why aren’t they answering me?! This simulator will tell you why and what’s more important, it will teach you how to.

Для кого этот тренажер?

  • Account executives
  • Beginner sales reps
  • Sales development reps
  • Sales managers