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Why Are Business Cases So Engaging?

Everyone loves business cases. Our clients tell that, and course statistics confirms it. Just 10 minutes – and you’ve got a competence in the bag. How to write a business letter? How should you fire an employee?
Eduson Corporate eLearning Service

Eduson.tv has launched the corporate eLearning service for the price of a cup of coffee. You and your colleagues can study for free for 14 days. Take courses, pass tests and get certificates.
"Eduson Has Changed Our Attitude to E-Learning"

We are continuing the discussion about e-learning with corporate education professionals. Representatives from Lafarge – a world leader in building materials with annual revenue of $14 billion – told about their experience of using e-learning platforms.
The Rules of Effective Meetings by Google and Tesla Motors

Are you used to the fact that meetings are a waste of time? This is not the case. Discussing issues together can be productive. Read the article and learn how to conduct meetings quickly according to clear rules and always achieving your aims.
Corporate Learning at HEINEKEN

We are continuing our interview series with Eduson’s clients. Maria Goncharova, R&D Executive at HEINEKEN, told us about the importance of the individual approach to staff training and about the issues which have been solved by the company through eLearning.
Customize Eduson for Each Employee

Why is it that staff members are trained so reluctantly? Maybe it is that the courses they selected are simply unsuitable for them? Customize individual training tracks for each employee or group, taking into account their interests and qualifications.
Guerrilla Selling: How Not to “Flog” Things to Your Client

The clear rule of sales is that, when working with a client, we should pose a lot of questions. However, often salespeople are so into “flogging” the product that they almost forget about their client. Find out which questions are likely to push potential clients towards purchasing.
“Online Education Is Extremely Cost-Effective”

Rostelekom organizes distance learning for 140,000 employees in different locations. Nikita Cherkasenko, the director of the Department for Staff Evaluation, Training and Development told us about training in Rostelecom and his experience of using Eduson.
Add Your Online Course to the Eduson Catalogue

Do you have your own training courses? Add them to the catalogue for free at Eduson.tv and assign them to your staff. We’ve created a convenient tool to do this – the free Course Editor.
“Eduson Helped Us to Increase Our Employees’ Loyalty”

How can e-learning help companies during the economic crisis? Svetlana Kosyakova, director for the department of evaluation and staff development at Mechel, a company with more than 70,000 employees, told about how training is arranged in their company.