Our news

Meet the New Interactive Course Format

Statistics shows that Eduson’s courses have the highest completion rate (87%) as well as the best applicability (94% of learners put acquired skills in practice). Still, we are constantly working on the quality of our course formats and content, trying to better adjust them to the learners’ needs. See what we've prepared for you and your employees this time.
September 24, 2015

Assess Your Employees’ Knowledge

The time when all employees studied the same courses has passed. Now you can easily identify the strengths and weaknesses in the knowledge of each employee and build a truly personalized and efficient learning path.
September 22, 2015

How Are Eduson’s Courses Made?

How to create the most engaging courses? Eduson's Video Production Director shares his insights on this issue. From technological and methodical approach to working with speakers and popular topics. So, how can you get an 87% course completion rate?
August 25, 2015

Why Are Business Cases So Engaging?

Everyone loves business cases. Our clients tell that, and course statistics confirms it. Just 10 minutes – and you’ve got a competence in the bag. How to write a business letter? How should you fire an employee?
July 29, 2015

Customize Eduson for Each Employee

Why is it that staff members are trained so reluctantly? Maybe it is that the courses they selected are simply unsuitable for them? Customize individual training tracks for each employee or group, taking into account their interests and qualifications.
July 10, 2015

Add Your Online Course to the Eduson Catalogue

Do you have your own training courses? Add them to the catalogue for free at Eduson.tv and assign them to your staff. We’ve created a convenient tool to do this – the free Course Editor.
July 07, 2015

It’s Eduson’s Birthday – gifts for everyone!

On 8th April Eduson will be one year old. Thank you for being with us during that time! You have suggested ways to improve the service, taken the tests, watched the 560 videos and received your diplomas. From 7th to 11th April we will be giving a gift to every Eduson student who has been with us during the last year. You can choose your gift HERE. We wish you all the best!

April 06, 2014

Top 5 Forecasts on Recruiting, Training & HR Technologies

Everyone is talking about change in recruiting and training. We have looked at new HR practices at innovative companies like Google and Amazon, at more conservative companies like Bank of America and Deloitte, and   made five forecasts for the market in 2014.

March 21, 2014

Make Independent Education Engaging

Few employees are genuinely interested in corporate education programs. Eduson courses are interesting and engaging. When a company promotes independent learning and provides employees access to relevant and engaging study materials - employees are motivated to learn and the value to the business is obvious.

March 16, 2014
Announcing a new e-learning platform for individual clients: Eduson Academy
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